Good news! QAlity Plus – Test Management for the Jira team has just released a new version, and since you use Jira Server you can decide to upgrade at any time! All that is needed is a click of a button in the Apps management screen on your instance!

New Features:

Now you can easily see how many times the test case was executed, what was the status of the last execution, and if there was ever a failed one.

Below this data, you have two tabs. The first tab “bugs reported“ contains a list of reported bugs, their status, reporter, and created date. After hovering over the row in the last column a button that will open the test execution this bug was reported in.

The second tab contains a list of failed steps, the date when the execution took place, the test cycle it was in, comment, and reported bugs. After hovering over the row in the last column a button that will open the test execution this bug was reported in.


Bug Fixes