What is Repository and how to use it

What is Repository and how to use it

With the thought of your comfort in mind, we’ve decided to step up our game in terms of Test Case management, and introduce a new feature - Repository. Its purpose is very simple. It aims to make your job easier by allowing you to organize your test cases in folders.

Repository is an integral part of the app, and it doesn’t require additional steps to be functional. You can immediately access test cases from all projects on your instance on the All Test Cases page. 

Test cases from your instance are automatically gathered and stored on this page. Additionally, in QAlity Plus you can add your test cases to folders. Test cases added to folders can be freely moved around or deleted without having the effect on the contents of the All Test Cases page. The page will always be accessible at the top of the Repository navigation panel on the left, right above your folders.

The list of test cases on the All Test Cases page provides all basic information: Issue Key, Summary, Project, Priority, Status, and Assignee. By default, the system displays the first 50 items. To load more, scroll down to the bottom of the list. The total number of your test cases is displayed right under the filtering options.

You can Create test cases or Import them. All test cases added to your instance will be displayed on the All Test Cases page. Test cases can be filtered by Project, Status, or a text input.

To perform actions on your test cases, you can select them one by one, or multiple at once. Once you’ve selected multiple test cases, the number of selected items will be displayed at the bottom of the page. By default, the system will select the first 50 test cases.

Repository works alongside the old Jira Issue Navigator. If you prefer the traditional view, you can easily switch back by clicking the Show in Jira Issue Navigator button. The Navigator will be opened in a new tab.

Do you have any questions or feedback? Feel free to contact us here