User's timezone

'User's timezone' option is based on the user's personal settings timezone (if it's not selected then the timezone from Jira settings will be used). This means that for example, even tough it may be already Saturday 1 a.m in Australia, if someone located in the US would log his work hours it will count towards the work time on Friday.

Why is this important? If your employees are located across multiple timezones, you need to make sure that their timezones are set properly so that the report is consistent.

Important cases

User has incorrect timezone set

As we said before, we will use the user's timezone. This means that someone can be located in the US, but use the Australian timezone. In that case his time, when he logs, will count towards the current date in Australia.

User changes his timezone multiple times.

This will result in overall inaccuracies since logged time always use the current user timezone. For example: You set your timezone as +0 then you log 8h of work at 1 a.m and 11 p.m. When you change your timezone to, for example +10 or -10, you will notice that the logged hours have shifted to a different day. To avoid this behavior it is recommended to always have the same timezone. 


User1 logged: 4h  August 6, 2019, 12:00 AM

User1 logged: 1d  August 7, 2019, 11:00 PM

User2 logged: 4h  August 6, 2019, 12:00 AM

User2 logged: 1d  August 7, 2019, 11:00 PM

They changed theirs time zones to the following:

The timezone in which this time was logged does not matter - only the personal timezone settings of the user at the given moment matters.

User1 personal settingsUser2 personal settingsSystem settingsResults in Worklogs seen by all usersComment
Example 1

User had this timezone at the beginning:

(GMT+00:00) Europe/London

User had this timezone at the beginning:

(GMT+00:00) Europe/London

Server had this timezone at the beginning:

(GMT+00:00) Europe/London

User 1:

06-08 → 4h

07-08 → 1d

User 2:

06-08 → 4h

07-08 → 1d

Everyone see the same results in both worklogs and issue page under "log work list"
Example 2(GMT+00:00) Europe/London

User changed his timezone to:

(GMT+11:00) Pacific/Auckland

(GMT+00:00) Europe/London

User 1:

06-08 → 4h

07-08 → 1d

User 2:

06-08 → 4h

08-08 → 1d

Everyone see the same results in worklogs but the logged time has shifted from 07.08 to 08.08. The reason behind this is: when the Jira API send us the times it uses the current user timezone. So every time entry is changed to the current timezone, in this case +11 hours. Since we logged work at 11 p.m it changed to 10 a.m on the next day.

Another issue with this case is that on issue page under "log work list" users see logged time according to their timezone. That's why you see different time than the author.

Example 3

User changed his timezone to:

(GMT-11:00) Pacific/Midway

User changed his timezone to:

(GMT+11:00) Pacific/Auckland

(GMT+00:00) Europe/London

User 1:

05-08 → 4h

07-08 → 1d

User 2:

06-08 → 4h

08-08 → 1d

same as above
Example 4

(GMT+00:00) Europe/London

User changed his timezone to:

(GMT+11:00) Pacific/Auckland

(GMT-11:00) Pacific/Midway

User 1:

06-08 → 4h

07-08 → 1d

User 2:

06-08 → 4h

08-08 → 1d

same as above + changing server time doesn't meter unless user don't have personal timezone set, because in this case we use the server timezone.

Where to find personal settings?

Where to find personal settings in cloud ?

Click your avatar → Settings → Timezone

Where to find personal settings in server ?

Click your avatar → Profile → Find 'Preferences' section → Find 'Timezone' field

Do you have any questions or feedback? Feel free to contact us here đź’ˇ