Issues assigned to you

Issues assigned to you

The ‘Issues Assigned to You’ gadget displays a list of issues assigned to you within a specified time period, helping you stay informed about your tasks.


  • Display: the gadget lists issues assigned to you during the selected time period (Today, This Week, or This Month), allowing you to focus on tasks allocated within the chosen timeline.

  • Single display for assignments: inside a specific gadget, each issue appears only once in the list for the selected period of time, based on the most recent assignment timestamp. This ensures you always see the latest assignment status for each issue.

  • Handling of reassignments: if an issue was assigned to you but later reassigned to someone else, it will still appear in the gadget because you were an assignee during the chosen time period. This provides visibility over tasks you were responsible for, even if they have since been reassigned.

  • Order: issues are displayed in descending order of their assignment timestamp, with the most recently assigned issues appearing at the top.


You can perform the following actions on the issues listed in this gadget:

  • Load more issues: expands the list beyond the initial set of 10 issues, allowing you to access a more extensive history of opened issues.

  • Add to favorites: pins selected issues to your ‘Favorite Issues’ list for quicker and more convenient access.

  • Ignore issue: excludes a specific issue from appearing in the Time Assistant app.

  • Log time: allows you to log time spent on a particular issue through a time log modal.