Issue level's active timers
With Time Assistant installed, every Jira issue includes the active timer feature, enabling users to log their work time.
It can be found in each issue details as an additional section:
To activate a timer, click the Start timer button. Timer will start counting your time spent on this issue. Once you’ve finished your work, click the Stop and log button to stop the counting.
When you click the Stop and log button, a log time modal of the active timer will be displayed with pre-filled issue data. At this stage, you can edit the informatoin. Once ready, click the Log time button. A new work log will be created under this issue.
If, instead of logging the time, you click the Cancel button, the modal will close and the timer will be moved to a waiting state, displaying your counted time and the Log time button. You can finish the process at any other time.
Unlogged timers will be visibile in the ‘Unlogged timers’ section, where you can also finish the process or decide to cancel your unlogged timers.