Add a new plan

Add a new plan

You can quickly create a plan without any prior configuration and start organizing your work. This section explains how to create a plan and what options you have.

The first time you open the Team Planner Dashboard, you will see information that you don’t have any plans created yet. To create your first plan, click the Create new plan button.

If you’ve already created some plans, they will appear in the dashboard. You will find the Create new plan button in the upper right corner. When you click the button, a modal will show up.

After you click the Create new plan button a modal will show up.

By default, the 'Plan name' field will be selected and you can immediately start typing the plan name. This field is required.

The second field is the ‘Main Project’ field. This field can’t be changed later, so make sure you select the correct one. It is used to determine permissions to the plan. For example, whether the user is allowed to edit the plan or just view it.

With choosing a specific project for the plan, you can still add Jira issues from other projects to your plan once it’s created.

The last fields are the ‘Duration’, ‘Start date’, and ‘End date’ fields. You can select a predefined duration which will automatically determine the end date or you can manually select both dates by selecting a custom duration.

After you fill all of the required fields you can click Create new plan which will create the plan and redirect you to its page.

Do you have any questions or feedback? Feel free to contact us here

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