Favourite issues gadget

The ‘Favorite issues’ gadget is a convenient tool located on the right-hand side of the Time Assistant's main dashboard.


This feature allows you to quickly access and manage issues that you've marked as favorites across all Time Assistant gadgets.


  • Favorite issues list: Displays a list of issues that you have favorited. Initially, up to 50 issues are shown, with an option to load more, if additional favorites exist.

  • Issue organization: The list is ordered alphabetically by issue key for easy navigation and reference.


  • Unmark favorite: Remove an issue from your favorites directly within the gadget by clicking on the star icon.

  • Log time: Quickly log time by clicking on the clock icon, which opens the ‘Log Time modal.’

  • Load more: If your ‘Favorite issues’ list will exceed the number of 50 issues, you can load more issues.


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