Creating test cases

Creating test cases

Create a test case directly in the Jira issue you want to test

To create a new test case, click the Add Test Case button. This will add a new test case with the default name equal to the Jira issue you're working on.

Create a test case by creating a new Jira issue

It is also possible to create a new test case by creating a new Jira issue. To do that:

  1. Click Create issue.

  2. Select ‘QAlity Test’ as the issue type.

  3. Set any required fields.

  4. Confirm.

The newly created issue will represent your test case. You can modify and execute this test case directly from this Jira issue. You can also link it to other tickets so that it shows up there too.



Add test steps to your test case

After you've created the test case, you can add steps to it. This can be achieved in several ways.

If you’ve just created a test case your cursor is automatically focused on the step’s input. Insert the required information and accept using the checkmark button. This will also automatically create the inputs for the next step. Use Tab and Shift+Tab keys to move between the ‘Test Case’ columns.

The limit per column in Test Management is 5000 characters.



You can also click Add new Test Step at the bottom of the test case or click the test case menu and then select Add new Test Step.

Do you have any questions or feedback? Feel free to contact us here

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