Issues you commented on

The ‘Issues you commented on’ gadget provides a list of issues to which you have actively contributed by adding a comment. This gadget helps you to keep track of your discussions and interactions on various issues.


  • Display: The gadget shows a list of issues you have commented on, allowing easy tracking of discussions and ensuring you can stay engaged with relevant conversations.

  • Comment timestamp: If you modify an existing comment, the gadget will still use the initial timestamp of the original comment for ordering purposes. This ensures that the list order is only updated when a new comment is added, not when existing comments are edited.

  • Order: Issues are listed in descending order based on the timestamp of the latest new comment you made. This keeps your most recent discussions at the top of the list.


You can perform the following actions on the issues listed in this gadget:

  • Load more issues: Allows you to load additional issues beyond the initial set of 10. This action helps you access a more extended history of opened issues.

  • Add to favorites: Allows you to pin specific issues to your ‘Favorite issues’ list for quicker and more convenient access.

  • Ignore issue: Allows you to exclude a specific issue from the Time Assistant app.

  • Log time: Allows you to log time spent on a particular issue through a time log modal.