Jira timezone

Jira timezone option is based on the 'Default user time zone' from System/General configuration, and displays all logged hours in that timezone. Why is this important? If your employees are located across multiple timezones, you need to make sure that their timezones are set properly so that the report is consistent.


Time zone
Worklog value
Worklog date
User1Asia/Singapore, UTC+81hMarch 10, 2019, 01:00 AM
User2Asia/Singapore, UTC+82hApril 10, 2019, 8:00 PM
User3Europe/Warsaw, UTC+13hMay 10, 2019, 08:00 PM
User4America/New_York, UTC-54hJune 10, 2019, 05:00 PM
User5America/Los_Angeles, UTC-85hJuly 10, 2019, 05:00 PM

Default user time zone
Results in Worklogs plugin seen by me
Example 1

 Asia/Singapore, UTC+8

User 1: March 10 → 1h

User 2: April 10 → 2h

User 3: May 11 → 3h

User 4: June 11→ 4h

User 5: July 11 → 5h

Example 2Europe/Warsaw, UTC+1

User 1: March 09 → 1h

User 2: April 10 → 2h

User 3: May 10 → 3h

User 4: June 10→ 4h

User 5: July 11 → 5h

Example 3

America/New_York, UTC-5

User 1: March 09 → 1h

User 2: April 10 → 2h

User 3: May 10 → 3h

User 4: June 10→ 4h

User 5: July 10 → 5h

Example 4

America/Los_Angeles, UTC-8

User 1: March 09 → 1h

User 2: April 10 → 2h

User 3: May 10 → 3h

User 4: June 10→ 4h

User 5: July 10 → 5h

Where to find 'Default user time zone'?

Where to find personal settings in cloud ?

Jira settings → System → General configuration→ find 'Internationalization' section → find 'Default user time zone' field

Where to find personal settings in server ?

Administration → General configuration → find 'Internationalization' section → find 'Default user time zone' field