Cloning Test Case Issue

Cloning Test Case Issue

The cloning Test Case function is only available in the QAlity Plus app and cloning with third-party apps such as Deep Clone is not supported by the app.

When a user is cloning a test case, the QAlity Plus app works in the following order:

  1. User clones Jira issue from QAlity Test issue level.

  2. A new QAlity Test issue is created.

  3. The original issue is linked with the relation clones.

  4. QAlity Plus checks the linked original issue and copies the Test Steps, Test Data, Expected Results and Attachments.

A linked issue is crucial for the cloning feature.

Issue Description

You might encounter the following issue when cloning one of your test cases - after the process of cloning, the cloned test case is empty without any test steps and data as on the example below.

inking issue.gif



  1. Please make sure that the Issue linking option is activated. After the cloning process there always should be the linking connection between the test case you cloned and the original one. It should look like on the screenshot below.

    MK Documentation Updates (58).png

    To activate it, go to Settings (cog icon next to your avatar at the top) → IssuesIssue LinkingActivate.

    Also, please make sure that the clone function looks exactly like on the screenshot below (check the name, etc.):


  2. If the solution number 1 does not solve the problem, make sure that the issue cloning is properly configured in your jira-config.properties.

    Please check this Atlassian documentation regarding Configuring issue cloning to learn how to do that properly.


  3. If, despite performing the actions from the previous two points, the problem still occurs, and you are using the QAlity Plus app on Jira Data Center hosting, try the following:

    1. First, make sure that the QAlity Plus app is updated to the newest version.

    2. Secondly, in case of any troubles make sure that your Jira instance is configured properly based on these official Jira guides:

      1. The Clone Link Type 'Cloners' Does Not Exist Due to Missing Property

      2. Edit the jira-config.properties file in Jira server

If the issue still exists, please contact us here. We will be happy to help.


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