Import test cases [PLUS]
This feature is available in QAlity Plus - Test Management for Jira exclusively.
Looking to migrate from other test management tools?
Check out Migrating from test management tools to QAlity
See also
General information
You can import test cases to your Jira instance using a CSV file. It’s a 3-step process where you set things like the delimiter of your CSV file or which CSV field should correspond to which Jira issue field.
This feature is available only with QAlity Plus.
To import test cases, open the QAlity Plus menu and click Import.
First Step - Choose the file and configuration
In the first step:
You select to which project you will be importing the test cases. Please make sure it contains the QAlity test issue type otherwise you will encounter a warning telling you to do this before proceeding to the next step.
You import a CSV file. Please make sure that it’s not bigger than 10MB and its extension is “.csv”.
By default, we will use UTF-8 encoding to read the file. In the case of languages using different characters, it could be required to change this value. In case of a wrong value provided, we will backup to UTF-8.
The delimiter separating the value in your CSV file. By default, we choose a comma “,“.
Second Step - Mapping
In the second step, you have to map which column from your CSV file will be used for the Test case name, Test Step, Expected result, and other required fields in your Jira which could be present. The importer uses the ‘Test case name’ to both distinguish between one test case and another and to use it as a name for a newly created Test case. For this reason, please make sure that you use unique test names in your CSV file.
Each CSV column can be mapped only once to one field.
You have to select all the required fields otherwise you will be unable to proceed further.
In case of having required fields that we do not support (for example a due date or attachments), you will have to temporarily make this field optional before importing.
Supported field types
Number fields e.g: 1, 2, 1000
Text Fields e.g: “Lorem ipsum”
User fields e.g: User_Id
Fields like multi-select, date are not supported right now.
Third step - Import summary
The third step conducts the importing with a summary that will show up after the import is completed. Please do not close your browser while the import is in progress!
In the summary screen, you can:
See how many test cases were created successfully.
See how many encountered an error (e.g. missing value for a required field).
See a list of the errors.
See created test cases (by clicking a See the list link).
Download error logs (by clicking Download logs).
Import more test cases by clicking a button Import more which will take you back to the first step. Already imported test cases will NOT disappear.
Exit importing. This will take you to the test cases overview screen.