1.2.0 -- Release notes 10-05-2021

1.2.0 -- Release notes 10-05-2021

Good news! QAlity Plus – Test Management for the Jira team has just released a new version, and since you use Jira Server you can decide to upgrade at any time! All that is needed is a click of a button in the Apps management screen on your instance!

New Features:

  • It’s now possible to add multiple test cases to the test cycle at the same time:

  • Insight into the previous executions on the execution screen.

Now you can easily see how many times the test case was executed, what was the status of the last execution, and if there was ever a failed one.

Below this data, you have two tabs. The first tab “bugs reported“ contains a list of reported bugs, their status, reporter, and created date. After hovering over the row in the last column a button that will open the test execution this bug was reported in.

The second tab contains a list of failed steps, the date when the execution took place, the test cycle it was in, comment, and reported bugs. After hovering over the row in the last column a button that will open the test execution this bug was reported in.


  • Test Execution screen now opens with a detailed view by default (previously simple view).

  • Moved the button execute test case or continue execution outside of the menu in test cases list present in the test cycle.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a problem when the app was not working correctly with disabled cookies.

  • Fixed a problem when sometimes QAlity test issue type was not discovered.